Marketer's Guide

Marketer’s Guide To Email Validation And Hygiene


To have a successful email marketing campaign, you must first build a solid email list. But it’s as crucial to maintaining a clean email list as a supplement to such efforts. When you clean your email list, you’re removing inactive, bounced, and other non-engaging email addresses, a process often known as “scrubbing.” In the following ways, good list hygiene may benefit you:

Improve your reputation as a sender

Increasing the number of people that are interested in your content

Reduce the likelihood that your email will be rejected.

Look at the following five suggestions to learn more about when and how to make email list cleaning.

Establish a schedule for maintaining your list.

The frequency with which you clean your email list will rely on various factors, including the nature of your service. Most email systems come with a six-month refresh cycle for email lists; the more significant, the better the frequency of list cleansing.

You’ll be able to see how healthy your list is and how frequently you need to address list cleaning when you examine your engagement metrics after each email. You must maintain your cadence regardless of the frequency you choose. However, you should review your cleaning frequency once a year to see whether it needs to be increased or decreased.

Don’t ever buy lists from third-party suppliers or anybody else. There are some short-term advantages, but the bulk of the list file will not be worth much to you in the long run. Consequently, you may be placed on a “deny” list. These lists make it more probable that these people will be the first to click the spam button. In any case, your email program will suffer.

Discard any role accounts that have been assigned to you.

You’ve used role accounts if you’ve ever used the @support or @info addresses. These emails do not represent persons means that they are seldom examined or read. Someone who takes over the position of the person who was checking that email alias may decide to designate your email as spam if they weren’t expecting it since they didn’t sign up to receive it. For your convenience, the Email Oversight Validation API can scan your list for role-specific email addresses and eliminate them.

Remove invalid and undeliverable emails from your inbox.

An outstanding feature about most systems is eliminating hard bounces after two attempts. Your KPIs, notably your delivery rates, may suffer if you regularly send to incorrect email addresses. However, invalid emails might be more challenging to spot in particular instances. It’s possible to use the Email Validation API to determine which emails are likely to become hard bounces in circumstances when you believe they’ve been bounced. You’ll be able to keep an eye on them and, if necessary, get rid of them.

Remove those who aren’t interested.

Recipients who haven’t shown any interest may be the hardest to delete. Keep in mind that low involvement isn’t a bad thing. It’s hard to believe how many emails you’ve signed up for yet never opened or read!

Even though an unsubscribe link is required by law and by all respectable email service providers (ESPs), many users do not make an effort to unsubscribe. Delete their email address from your mailing list if they haven’t opened any of your emails in a few months.

Gmail and Yahoo, for example, use engagement metrics to assess whether or not a message is sent. Don’t make it easier for them to ignore your communications by including extra excuses in your correspondence.

Email subscriptions must be verified.

Email validation & hygiene may be accomplished in various ways after registration. Providing a double opt-in approach is the most excellent way to confirm that the subscriber is interested in your email.

The subscriber must first enter their email address on your signup form. Then they must re-enter it to confirm their subscription (usually a confirmation email with a link that they need to follow to finish registration). Double opt-in is worth the additional effort for both sender and receiver since it automatically removes wrong email addresses from your list.

Email Addresses That Are A Source Of Concern

The quality of each email address in your database focuses on proper email list upkeep. Some advertisers don’t comprehend how far this goes. The following are four different kinds of email addresses to make matters worse.

Inappropriate or incorrect addresses

A legitimate email address must be associated with each address in your database and a domain name that is capable of receiving email.

Wrong Addresses That Can Be Delivered

These addresses may be delivered in most cases, but they don’t belong to your intended receivers. Instead of “[email protected],” someone put “[email protected],” such as a customer service representative, cashier, or convention registration. Even though Kai Smith and Kai Smits are deliverables, only one of them is the person you wanted to send it to. Even typos in domain names, such as misspellings, might result in legal addresses. One of these sites,, may be accessed and used.

Problematic But Deliverable Addresses

Most likely, your ESP charges you by the number of recipients on your mailing list. Sending to spam traps is a waste of time and money, and it harms your business’s KPIs and the efficiency of your email campaigns as a whole. Many delivery addresses are associated with “role” accounts or disposable, making them troublesome.

Rather than a person, a role account belongs to a function: “info@,” “help@,” or “support@.” Signing up for email with one of these services is possible, but they aren’t intended to be personal accounts. Anyone with access to the email account might file a complaint. Subscribers may also quit the firm without unsubscribing if they so want. Your cries go unheeded.

Disposable addresses are designed to be thrown away after a single usage. They utilize these one-time-only addresses when someone wants something from you but doesn’t want to receive your emails. A hard bounce (permanently undeliverable) or spam trap address appears in your database after they’ve gotten what they want. Aside from losing your reward, you’ll also miss out on future marketing opportunities with that individual.

Addresses that can be delivered but may be harmful

When you use outdated lists, rent or purchase lists from suspect sources, or use data that has not been vetted, you risk inheriting ticking time bombs across your database. Another thing that might hurt your deliver ability is sending emails to legitimate but unsubscribed addresses. In some instances, they may be spam traps meant to catch spammers. Emailing them will make you appear like a spammer and harm your long-term capacity to reach inboxes.


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